Hear from app and game founders in #WeArePlay USA

Last week, we launched #WeArePlay, a new series featuring the people behind your favorite Google Play apps and games. To celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, we’re putting a special spotlight on app founders and developers across every U.S. state. #WeArePlay USA introduces you to the passionate professionals behind more than 150 growing businesses.

A gif of a collage of headshots that turns into the shape of a U.S. map. The gif ends with the text “#WeArePlay” and the URL g.co/play/weareplay-usa

Let’s take a quick road trip across the #WeArePlay USA collection, starting in the Big Apple. New Yorker Tanya was so inspired when her eight-year-old daughter asked to open an investment account that she created Goalsetter — an app that helps kids learn about finance through fun activities. She wants to help kids, and their parents, build stronger financial futures: “Part of my mission is to close the wealth gap in America by educating the next generation.” Read more stories from New York.

A graphic featuring a photo of Tanya with her kids, her name, her location of “New York, New York,” the name of her app “Goalsetter” and the #WeArePlay logo and URL.

Our next stop is Raleigh, North Carolina to meet Joe, John and Grant. They created JouleBug to help people better understand their environmental impact through interactive challenges — like competing with friends to save the most energy or reduce the most waste. “As we go through our days, it’s become easy to waste resources and not even notice it,” says Grant. “We want to draw attention to this and show how simple it is to change your habits.” Discover more stories from North Carolina.

A graphic featuring a photo of Joe, John and Grant on a mountain, their names, their location of “Raleigh, North Carolina” the name of their app “Joulebug” and the #WeArePlay logo and URL.

Making our way west, we meet Clarence and Edna in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They both share a passion for education and worked together to create Boddle — a 3D game that motivates kids to learn math. Using AI, Boddle also helps parents and teachers tailor learning content and track performance. Check out more stories from Oklahoma.

A graphic featuring a photo of Clarence and Edna, their names, their location of “Tulsa, Oklahoma” the name of their app “Boddle Learning” and the #WeArePlay logo and URL.

Our final stop brings us to Santa Monica, California with Jenova. While he was in film school, Jenova asked himself — could a game make you cry the same way a movie can? He launched thatgamecompany and started building games that tug at players’ heartstrings. His company now has close to 100 employees. Read more stories from California.

A graphic featuring a photo of Jenova, his name, his location of “Santa Monica, California” the name of his app “thatgamecompany” and the #WeArePlay logo and URL.

Explore the rest of the #WeArePlay USA collection, and stay tuned for more stories from around the world.

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