A film released last November titled Bad CGI Alligator missed its intended audience: us.
The film, also released in Russia under a title that translates to ‘poorly drawn alligator,’ is a Horror-Comedy parody film lampooning movies like Anaconda, Eight Legged Freaks, Lake Placid, etc. where an absolutely horrible CGI creature terrorizes people.
If this is the first time you’re hearing about the 2023 film Bad CGI Gator, you are not alone. We here at BroBible had never heard of this film until the latest video from the Corridor Crew YouTube channel.
They brought in some VFX experts to review Bad CGI Gator and my main takeaway here is it actually looks kind of great despite a 4.4 out of 10 rating on IMDB.
I came across this video in an article by Screenrant and I’m glad I did because I fully intend on watching this movie next weekend ($7 on Amazon Prime). It remains to be seen if this film will be worthy of a full review here on BroBible or if I’ll even make it through the movie at all, but ‘bad alligator‘ has my name written all over it.
Director Danny Draven has delivered the goods in the past. His ‘Masters of Terror’ was a hit with a niche audience. The Sci-Fi/Horror/Comedy crossover genre might not have the largest audience in Film but the ones who do watch those films sure seem to love them.
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VFX Artists Review Film Titled ‘Bad CGI Gator’ And It Actually Seems Kind Of Awesome
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