A dog named Mishka went missing from her home in San Diego, California for almost a year then miraculously turned up over 2,300 miles away in a suburb of Detroit, Michigan.
Mishka was found after someone called local police about a dog wandering loose in Harper Woods.
She was identified after Harper Woods Police dropped her off at the Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society in Michigan.
A quick scan of the dog’s microchip remarkably revealed that Mishka belonged to the family of Mehrad Houman, who live 2,343 miles away.
As luck would have it, Houman was already in Minnesota on vacation so he drove 10 hours, a distance of 690 miles, to be reunited with the family’s pet.
“This is a story you are really going to want to hear and see,” the Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society wrote on Facebook. “This is a tale that Hollywood would love to tell. Dog gets lost and finds it’s way across the country.
“A good samaritan finds the dog and contacts her local police department. From here, there is a stunning course of events that reunites the family with their lost dog. And GPAAS is right in the middle of it.
“PLEASE watch this knowing that the process works.
“A conscientious family microchips their beloved pet. An unfortunate event happens with the dog being separated from them. A local resident makes the right decision. The synergy between a municipality and it’s local animal shelter shines brightly. The technology of the microchip reunites the long, lost pup with it’s forever family. PLEASE WATCH WITH VOLUME UP. This video will make you feel good all over.”
How Mishka ended up more than 2,300 miles from home is still a mystery, however.
Houman’s wife, Elizabeth, told Huffington Post, “I never gave up. I put up over a thousand flyers. I had a flyer on my back windshield. I wore her leash whenever I would look for her. … Now I just want to find out how she got to Michigan.”
The director of the Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society thinks that perhaps Mishka was stolen.
Maybe, maybe not. Did anyone think that maybe Mishka just decided she wanted to move to the Midwest and now all of her hard work was for nothing?
These are the things we have to ask ourselves, such as in the case of a tortoise named ‘Tank’ who was found two miles away from home after escaping for the third time last year.
If only those scientists who are working on decoding animal communication would hurry up and get to animals that are actually pets.
The post Family’s Dog, Missing For Almost A Year, Found More Than 2,300 Miles From Home appeared first on BroBible.
Family’s Dog, Missing For Almost A Year, Found More Than 2,300 Miles From Home
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