Details Of Ex-NBA Star Delonte West’s Latest Arrest Are Heartbreaking

Former NBA star Delonte West continues to struggle with his mental health after leaving the NBA.

On Thursday morning, the 40-year-old West was reportedly arrested in the D.C. area after collapsing while hiding from police.

West was found unresponsive before being taken to the hospital.

Via D.C. News Live

“Ex-NBA player Delonte West has been arrested again in Virginia today. West, 40, was let out of the hospital after collapsing while hiding from police and taken to jail, per Fairfax County PD. He’s charged w/ violating conditions of release & resisting arrest and is held on bond.”

TMZ released West’s mugshot.

Back in 2020, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban picked up West off the street and got him into rehab. West appeared to change his life but has since relapsed and has had several run-ins with law enforcement since then.

Last year, West’s former college coach Phil Martelli vowed to help West, who was filmed panhandling in Virginia.

West made over $16 million throughout his playing career but it appears that he has none of that money left since leaving the league in 2013.

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Details Of Ex-NBA Star Delonte West’s Latest Arrest Are Heartbreaking
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