Jamie Foxx Suddenly Ends Livestream At Dallas Cowboys Practice When Jerry Jones Goes Rogue

Jamie Foxx Jerry Jones Livestream
Jamie Foxx Jerry Jones Livestream

Jamie Foxx attended Dallas Cowboys practice with Jerry Jones ahead of their game against the Baltimore Ravens. The visit quickly turned in a direction that nobody could’ve expected when the two-time Academy Award winner started a livestream video on social media.

It did not last long before he had to shut it down!

Foxx is a huge fan of the Cowboys and often hangs out around the team. They frequently host him in Oxford during training camp, which is a much easier trip from Los Angeles. He tries to get down to Dallas for at least one game at AT&T Stadium every fall.

This year’s trip took place during Week 3. Foxx pulled up to The Star on Friday and met up with Jones. The former at some point decided to go live on Instagram while the latter talked about his team.

That ended up being a terrible idea.

Jones is a loose cannon and you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. In this instance, it seemed like he started to discuss the size of his players’ genitals. Foxx cut it off in a hurry before he could go any further.

To give Jones the benefit of the doubt, it is possible that the word in question featured an “e,” and not an “i.” Maybe it was “decks” and not… the other word. Maybe.

Jones can be heard giving praise to one of his players for “shutting down” someone who is 5-foot-9.5, 210 pounds and runs a 4.41-second 40-yard dash with “nine and three-inch hands.”

At that point, Jerry Jones references his “eight and a half-inch d—.”

Foxx, who initially received the informational with a casual nod and an “uh huhhh,” had a look of sheer shock and panic on his face. He wisely did not allow the 81-year-old owner from going any further and quickly closed out of the stream.

You can decide what Jones said or didn’t say… but it sure sounded like he said what he said!

The post Jamie Foxx Suddenly Ends Livestream At Dallas Cowboys Practice When Jerry Jones Goes Rogue appeared first on BroBible.

Jamie Foxx Suddenly Ends Livestream At Dallas Cowboys Practice When Jerry Jones Goes Rogue
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