Jackson State Player Launches Baseball Bat Into Oblivion After Sparking Melee With SWAC Rival

A baseball player waits in the on-deck circle.
A baseball player waits in the on-deck circle.

A college baseball contest between Prairie View A&M and Jackson State ended in mayhem on Saturday as benches cleared for a postgame melee. The fight put a black eye on what had been a highly entertaining matchup.

The Panthers walked things off in extra innings with an RBI single from Trenton Bush. As the home team celebrated, the salty Tigers created chaos.

Bush launched a 2-0 pitch from a Jackson State reliever with two on and two out in the bottom of the 11th frame. The ball found its way to the outfield to allow the winning run to score.

The Prairie View dugout quickly emptied to meet Bush on the basepath. Members of the Jackson State defense made it a point to walk through that celebration.

Tempers quickly flared, causing both teams to square up. The chaotic scene went on for some time before coaches eventually separated the squads.

The initial meeting came around second base. The mayhem then made its way down to home plate. Players from each side were seen squaring up as if facing off in a boxing ring. One angry competitor took his frustrations out on a helpless baseball bat.

A Jackson State team member was seen absolutely launching an aluminum bat out of the field of play. It was the bat used to drive in the winning run by Prairie View.

Now, the two college baseball teams have to regroup and gear up for the rubber match on Sunday. Jackson State took the first game 12-0 before being beaten on Saturday afternoon. The winner of Game 3 takes the series.

It will be interesting to see if there are any repercussions from the actions of Game 2. Hopefully, the fireworks are contained to play on the field.

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Jackson State Player Launches Baseball Bat Into Oblivion After Sparking Melee With SWAC Rival
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